Anyone interested in exploring the possibility of becoming Catholic or inquiring about the Catholic Church is invited to join us for RCIA. RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is the process by which the non-baptized and those baptized Christians of other faiths wishing to become Catholic can be brought into full communion with the Catholic Church through the sacraments of initiation - Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. It is also for any adult baptized Catholic, who has not yet celebrated the Eucharist and/or Confirmation. If you are interested in finding out more about the RCIA and joining us this year, please contact the Parish office and provide your contact information
The 2025 Mass Book for Mass Intentions will open on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 during our normal office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Each person requesting Mass Intentions will be allowed three individual Sunday and three individual weekday Masses. There is no limit on the request for multi-intention Masses. Mass request forms with instructions and Archdiocesan Policies and Parish Policies will be available in the back of the church. Please use these forms if possible as it will speed up the process and shorten your wait-ing time. As in the past, orders will be taken on a first come first serve basis. All mail and telephone request will be the last Masses entered that day. If you have any questions beforehand, please do not hesitate to call us at (985) 764-6383.
Beginning February 1, 2024 all intentions before the year 2023 will be deleted from the list. If you have a special ongoing intention before that date that you want left on, please notify the Parish Office at 985- 764-6383. The list will continue to be updated on a yearly basis.
We are pleased to announce Henry Sorbet (504-331-0990) and Stephanie Gioe (985-722-3126) will Co-Chair the Church Cleaning Ministry beginning January 2023 and Janell Weber (504-416-3950) will remain as Chairperson for the Church Decorating Ministry. Both ministries continue to need volunteers to help. Please contact the above numbers to volunteer.
The beautiful season of Advent and Christmas is here. We should have a longing in our hearts for Christ coming into the world in the stable at Bethlehem. When we were children this time of anticipation was filled with good feelings of family, friends and joy. School plays portrayed the birth of Christ and the adoration of the Magi. I have often wondered as a child what encouraged these wise men to make so long of a journey to adore the Christ Child. It is said that they traveled over three months to see and adore Christ. I realize now that it was the guiding star of their faith that brought them to Bethlehem. Our Adoration Chapel in Destrehan has been open for over 26 yrs. We are still in need of adorers to fill the weekly hours. Ideally there should be two people per hour. We have many hours with only one adorer. What is your guiding star that brings you to Jesus? Is it your faith? Is it loneliness? Is it sickness? Financial burdens, family problems, Is it your deep love for Jesus that the Magi had? We don’t have to travel as far or inconvenience ourselves as the Magi did. Our beautiful chapel in Destrehan is open and waiting for the shining star of your faith to come visit and adore. Please consider committing one hour a week during this beautiful season. You will not be disappointed, neither were the Magi.
ARE YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER BEING ADMITTED INTO THE HOSPITAL? If you or anyone in your family is being admitted into the hospital for surgery or a procedure, please notify the Parish Office at (985) 764-6383. Fr. Mixie or Fr. John will make every effort to visit you during your stay to meet your spiritual needs and to support you during this difficult time. Note: We may not be able to visit but will certainly be there for you in support and prayer.
Please call the parish office at 985-764-6383 to add and/or remove names. Chief Warrant Office 2 - Stephen Rodrigue, Louisiana Army National Guard. Navy Seaman, Mason Morris, Senior Airman, Ryan Mahler, Air Force, Lt. Arthur Schexnaydre, Navy, Sgt. Brianna Guillot, Marines, Sgt. Kevin Buller, Flight Paramedic, LA National Guard, AIC Layken Carpenter, U.S. Air Force, Jerry Lawrence Scott, Army-E8, Kenneth Fortune - Navy-MA-1 "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen."
What is a Qualified Charitable Contribution? Generally, a qualified charitable contribution is an otherwise taxable distribution from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) owned by an individual who is age 70½ or over that is paid DIRECTLY from the IRA to a qualified charity. Many of our parishioners have inquired about this and several are already taking advantage of this possible tax-free opportunity. Of course, discuss this with your CPA or tax accountant to confirm the benefits of this program.
“Be the Hands” Service Committee is a newly forming committee here at SCB. It is a committee that will assist the parish staff on an as needed basis. Volunteer opportunities may include: serving food, setting up tables & chairs, or helping with any parish activity that is going on. Volunteers will be contacted on a rotating basis, so your commitment can be as little as or as much as you like. Please consider joining this newly formed committee by emailing Melanie Hebert at [email protected] or calling at 504-799-8618.
Humble Helpers is a new ministry at St. Charles Borromeo Church. It was created to help our parishioners who lack the means necessary to make their environment safe due to illness, surgery or lack of resources. We are prepared to provide services such as light housekeeping, organizing, etc. If you or you know of someone who is in need of help, please contact the church office. Our ministry consist of 5 people at this time. If you are interested in volunteering with this ministry, contact the church office.
The Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) are in desperate need of new members, especially for 6:00 pm Mass. If you would like to help, please call the Parish Office at (985) 764-6383.
For generations beneath these ancient oaks SCB has nurtured God's children by shaping their minds and souls to become leaders while practicing their Catholic faith and valuing Catholic teachings, traditions and legacies. Please see the attached to see how you can invest in the SCB School Endowment.