Because we have been working tirelessly trying to restore our church after the destruction of Hurricane Ida, it has been many months since we have been able to celebrate Mass in our beautiful church. Well the time has finally arrived! This Saturday, December 7th , beginning at 9:00 AM, Archbishop Aymond will
celebrate a special Mass blessing our newly renovated Church. This Mass will replace the 1st Saturday Mass usually held at 8:15 AM. For those practicing the 1st Saturday devotion, this Mass can be used just as the regular 1st Saturday Mass with the exception that confessions will not be heard before or after Mass. As long as you go to confession within a reasonable timeframe from the Mass, the indulgences will be granted. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come celebrate Mass in our beautifully renovated Church. Bring your family and friends to see the beauty of this restored 101 year old church.
A reception will follow in the gym.